Exploring Beyond the Standard Model. Spectroscopy approach: from Ordinary Muon Capture through Double Beta Decay to Sterile Neutrinos

Martes 31 de octubre - 14:00 hs

Exploring Beyond the Standard Model. Spectroscopy approach: from Ordinary Muon Capture through Double Beta Decay to Sterile Neutrinos


    quedan todas/os invitados este martes 31 de octubre a las 14hs al seminario a cargo del Dr. Mark Shirchenko, que se llevará a cabo en el IFLP  y el cual fuera suspendido el día 10 de octubre pasado.

El Dr. Mark Shirchenko, jefe del Laboratorio de Problemas Nucleares del Instituto de Investigaciones Nucleares de Dubná (JINR) - Rusia. Es un físico experimental en áreas de astropartículas y física de neutrinos. Integra las colaboraciones MONUMENT (captura de muones) y DANSS (búsqueda de neutrinos estériles). Participó en colaboraciones experimentales destinadas a la observacion de decaimientos beta doble sin neutrinos, entre otras(GERDA, MAJORAA, TGV). Actualmente participa en un experimento orientado hacia el descubrimiento de la dispersión elástica de neutrinos en reactores.

Su charla será sobre ¨Exploring Beyond the Standard Model. Spectroscopy approach: from Ordinary Muon Capture through Double Beta Decay to Sterile Neutrinos¨.

A continuación enviamos un breve resumen de la misma:

The Standard Model still serves as an invaluable framework for particle physics, but it leaves many questions unanswered. The talk describes the experimental searches for signals beyond the Standard Model, with a focus on two aspects: ordinary muon capture and the existence of sterile neutrinos combined by using the methods of nuclear spectroscopy.

Ordinary muon capture, a process that occurs when muon is captured by a nucleus, serves as a powerful probe into the properties of neutrinos and nuclear physics.

This presentation will discuss series of experiments aimed at detecting interactions either nonexistent in SM or strongly suppressed, and also very recent efforts in an attempt to help with calculations of nuclear matrix elements for the double beta decay.

Beyond the 3 known neutrino types, there is an idea for existence of sterile neutrinos eigenstate, which potentially could explain the reactor neutrino anomaly

(The deficit in the neutrino flux from the nuclear reactor) taking into account that there could be only three active neutrino states. The experimental endeavors designed to search for sterile neutrinos, utilizing the industrial power reactor is also described.

El seminario tendrá lugar en el auditorio ¨Prof. Dr. Luis N. Epele¨ del IFLP, sito en la diagonal 113 entre 63 y 64..

Esperamos contar con su participación.


+54 (0221) 6443202


icono ubicacion

Diagonal 113 entre 63 y 64

La Plata (1900) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
