Black holes or boson stars? The challenge of interpreting gravitational-wave signals from high-mass compact mergers

Miercoles 31 de agosto - 15:30 hs

Quedan todas/os invitadas/os al seminario a realizarse en día y horario especiales, la próxima semana, en el marco del Ciclo de Coloquios y Seminarios 2022 del IFLP.

El mismo se llevará a cabo el miércoles 31 de agosto a las 15:30 hs en el auditorio del IFLP, sito en la diagonal 113 entre 63 y 64, y estará a cargo del Prof. Juan Calderón Bustillo. 
Juan Calderón Bustillo es un destacado miembro del proyecto LIGO desde hace más de una década. Los líderes de este proyecto, Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne y Barry Barish, recibieron el premio Nobel de física en 2017 por la primera detección directa de ondas gravitacionales. Formado en Santiago de Compostela, Cambridge y la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, y con postdocs en Estados Unidos, Australia y Hong Kong, es en la actualidad La Caixa Junior Leader - Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow en el Instituto Gallego de Física de Altas Energías de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Enviamos el título de la charla y un breve resumen:

¨Black holes or boson stars? The challenge of interpreting gravitational-wave signals from high-mass compact mergers¨

Abstract: Gravitational waves provide us with an unique opportunity to observe ultra compact objects, such as black-holes, in a highly dynamical state, as pairs of these form and merge. This allows us to study the dynamics of space-time in the strong gravity regime and, in particular, search for subtle signatures of, nowadays theoretical, exotic objects known as black-hole mimickers. Among these, so-called boson stars are especially appealing due their simplicity and the fact that the particles building them up, known as ultralight bosons, are widely considered strong candidates to form (part of) what we know as Dark Matter. In this seminar I will describe ongoing efforts to produce catalogs of numerically simulated gravitational-wave signals from boson-star mergers that can be compared to existing LIGO-Virgo data in order to look for such objects, together with the corresponding data analysis techniques. In particular, I will focus on the qualitative discussion of the phenomenology of boson-star mergers, on the analysis of several LIGO-Virgo signals under this exotic hypothesis vs. the canonical black-hole merger one and on the estimation of the putative boson-star parameters, particularly focusing on the mass of the underlying bosonic particle.

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+54 (0221) 6443202

icono ubicacion

Diagonal 113 entre 63 y 64

La Plata (1900) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
